What to expect during your custom fitting appointment

Your first bootfitting appointment explained

Not sure what to expect during your fitting? We’ve fine-tuned the bootfitting process through years of working with every level of skier, recognizing that no two skiers, or feet, are the same.

There are essentially four parts to our fitting. Let’s break down each one.


Step 1: Profile

Step 1: Profile.

We call our bootfitting a process because many steps must be taken to ensure that your boots are ticking all the right boxes. Part 1 of our bootfitting is to set up your profile. This entails getting detailed information about your wants, needs and expectations for your equipment, each of which are key to getting the most out of your time with us. Don’t be shy — share everything and anything you’re looking for.

Your unique profile and measurements help us create a ‘blueprint’ to effectively determine a great direction. We accomplish this using our proprietary analysis software and scanner combo: the PULSE FIT SYSTEM.


Step 2: Shell

Step 2: Shell

Based on your skier profile, we’ll narrow down the selection of boots to a few models. The most important elements of the fit are the correct size, shape, and performance level of the shell, which is the solid outer layer of the ski boot. It’s made of two parts: the lower shell and the cuff. The lower shell is where your foot goes, while the cuff is the area of the boot that encases your shins and lower leg.

During this step, we’ll assess flex (stiffness of the boot), adjust the shell shape and forward lean if necessary.


Step 3: Footbed

Step 3: Footbed

Next up, we’ll fit you for footbeds — also known as insoles. Footbeds support your feet inside the shell, reducing hot spots, improving control and increasing circulation. In the same way a well-built house relies on its foundation, your feet rely on support. We’ve covered off the benefits of custom insoles here.


Step 4: Liner

Step 4: Liner

Lastly, we’ll get you set up with a liner. Custom liners are designed to perfectly fill the voids that exist between the shell and your supported foot, ensuring the best possible level of comfort, warmth and performance. Our ProFit and TruFit liners complement and complete the overall fit. To learn about custom liner options and why they outdo stock liners, check out our post here.

Now you’re all set to hit the mountain. Of course, if you have any follow-up questions after your appointment, feel free to pop back into the shop or send us an email. We’re happy to answer any lingering post-fitting questions or make additional adjustments to your fit.

Need help assessing your boots for the right fit?

The Pulse team is your go-to for any questions or concerns.